A Pillow Book

I wanted a blog to reflect my life and, as with most people, I do and am many things, decided to create a Pillow Book. It will have thoughts, ideas, observations and little snippets of my day to day life. So, thank you Empress Consort Teishi....... I bow to you and your great work and hope, in some small way, mine might be great too.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


My very first 'pin'
Have you come across Pinterest? Be warned..........it will become an addiction....it has for me....but a delightful one.
It is an amazing but simple idea, an  on line pin board. So many times I have seen pictures of interiors or crafts or well just things and sent them to myself in an email only to be lost in time to my 'inbox'.........now after a simple set upto create an account, one little button applied to your bookmarks 'click' and there it is on your pin board.  If that were all the time wasting bit wouldn't exist, but the problem is, there are thousands of other people who have Pinterest boards with absolutely gorgeous ideas, pictures, art, locations ready for you to 're-pin' on your boards.....and there lies the problem....the wasted hours....BUT I do not have an amazing on line ideas source.....for when I eventually get round to decorating, crafting, painting photographing....travelling.......cooking......is it bed time already???

Here is a link to my boards......click if you dare.....