A Pillow Book

I wanted a blog to reflect my life and, as with most people, I do and am many things, decided to create a Pillow Book. It will have thoughts, ideas, observations and little snippets of my day to day life. So, thank you Empress Consort Teishi....... I bow to you and your great work and hope, in some small way, mine might be great too.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Donna Summer

Well, Donna Summer died today...I can't say that I have thought of her often over the past years, on occasion hearing a track on the radio or in the background of a film. But I am sure, like many of my generation,today we have been transported back to our teenage years....I did a Google search of her album covers and realised just how many I had, and 12" disco mixes and singles and probably, somewhere at my mum's house, old cassette tapes of the Top 30, recorded from the kitchen radio using a hand held microphone.  Looking on itunes reminded me just how many amazing songs she recorded! For dancing, for singing with a hairbrush in front of the mirror! Anthems for my generation....we dreamt of New York and wore our glitter belts, lip gloss, tight jeans and stilettos. Primped and permed off we went to  local church halls and danced with our friends and sang our hearts out...  Today a little bit of our youth died and we all had a stark reminder of our own mortality.  So, this weekend, dig out your lip gloss and heels, download a track or two, pick up your hairbrush and sing along with me and Donna....back to Saturday night C1981......Love to Love you Baby, Mac Arthur Park, State of Independence, take your pick, belt it out....to youth..to Donna....

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